Space Colonization Wiki

Nanotechnology will be swallowed up by global technologies and remain behind the scenarios?


Gas bottling credit: Adrian Mann

Talk only about nanoscience and nanotechnology is superficial without named an item, so! How uses respirocytes for human breath in a vacuum? Nevertheless is this the way for real colonization and the firsts steps to real terraforming.

Bring air for lungs in space[]

The solution to the colonization of space is not in great dimensional, but in a work of architecture as used in CHIPS. A microfluidic architecture to perform a sort of support for natural organs and even replace them.

Mimic our biology here first! Only after starting[]

The main issues to be overcome to allocate humans in space include: breathing, feeding and protection from radiation. In the matter of breathing and nutrition has for the respirocytes concept that are micro and nanoparticles, these particles can ease the burden on the harsh conditions of space. My name is: Edilson Gomes de Lima, and I believe that we need study more architectures involving biology together. Like leafs As the veins of the leaves of the trees, we can making use of scaffolding with graphene mimic artificial organs that can withstand the natural organs. It will be very interesting conversations about nanomedicine in this area! An area that interests me and can bring some solutions to colonization.


Gas bottling credit: Adrian Mann

Artificial mobile support personnel to human organs. These devices would mimic the functioning of organs can be worn as a garment. Acting as supports for pressure, temperature, nutrition, relief of pain, and the whole functioning of the body. All computer controlled and monitoring.