Space Colonization Wiki

Welcome to the Space Colonization Wiki
The Open Source Space Colonization project where anyone can contribute to human colonization of local space before a disaster strikes us.

219 articles since July 2008

Contents   (view all pages)

What's going on?
What can we do about it?
  • The technology we will need in order to get all the clean, renewable energy we need from space, that will solve all our energy problems, already exists. We simply have to get together in large numbers and build it; and an open source implementation is the most efficient way to do that.
  • About this wiki
  • We need a substantial workforce if we are to have any chance of colonizing space in the short time available
  • We need a plan

What's new on Space Colonization Wiki

  • A call to open source the strategies and work required to colonize space has been added.
Traditionally the field of space exploration has been closed to the general public. But the human race may now be at the only stage of evolution, forwards or backwards, where we have the capability to colonize space, and the closed models of space exploration do not have the capacity to help us do that before we run out of cheap energy or possibly suffer a global disaster here on Earth. Open Sourcing the entire field of space colonization seems to be the only viable solution to the rapidly increasing number of problems for the human race in the 21st century. Read more...

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  • Check out the community portal to see what the community is working on, to give feedback or just to say hi.
